Fawcett Lake Resort Campers Association
Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2019
I. Call to order
The 2019 Annual Fawcett Lake Resort Campers Association meeting was called to
order by Dennis McKay at approximately 1:00 pm on May 19, 2019 at the store parking
II. Roll call
Roll call was not taken but approximately 25 to 30 campers attended the meeting along
with Curtis and Catherine Albach who represent Fawcett Lakeside Developments Inc.
(owners of the Resort), Dale and Anita Warriner – Resort Manager and Dennis McKay
– meeting chair/facilitator.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
As there were no minutes to be read from the last meeting the reading of the minutes
was waived.
IV. Open issues
a) Rules and Policy review
b) Moose Park camping generator trial completed, we can continue to use
inverter generators in moose park.
c) Guest fees can be paid by Etransfer, there’s been issues with getting
payment from guests of the leaseholders at the resort. There’s discussion
on fee rates and collection strategies. All duties to be passed to the
executive for further review. (Note: Etransfer of guest fees has been
suspended now that there is a new bank account)
d) Burn pile contents- Dale has asked all Annual Campers to discard leaves,
ashes and grass clippings on the east side of the road adjacent to the burn
pile, leaves do not burn. Also do not put household garbage as this doesn’t
comply with the burn permit and attracts bears etc.
e) OHV- All ATV units must be licensed, insured and a valid registration. If
observed without you will be asked to park the unit until you have it. Also,
anyone operating an OHV under the age of 14 must have an adult with
them. All ATV riders or passengers need to be wearing a helmet when
operating the ATV. (Even when on the Resort)
f) The lot fees went up as per lease agreements. If there are any questions
regarding this matter, please talk to Curtis.
g) Campfire / Fire restrictions – Follow the website for definitions. Should
you not have internet access to see what the current Fire Restriction is for
the Resort, if there is any Fire Ban imposed there will be a sign posted on
the Resort Road. As well, Fawcett Lake Resort reserves the right to impose
its own restrictions on fires, tiki torches, etc. Posted in several places,
including the information board. If it’s dry, ask first.
h) Projects:
Upgrade to playground-
Gay was the current playground focal, she found a manufacturer in
Westlock, she presented what they offered. It’s unclear as to the available
budget. More work needs to be done to confirm budget and selection. Gay
has asked to pass this project onto the executive. Done.
i) Tree removal- Fawcett Lake Resort will continue to do tree removal of all
unsafe trees. This however requires the moving of camper equipment
before removal. There is some discussion of an Annual Camper that can
fall trees without removal of equipment at leaseholders’ expense.
Moose Park Development:
-There is a picnic shelter being built, not yet completed.
-Grass cutting- if you have intention of using the area, speak with Curtis on
grass cutting, possibly hire out the task to Harley.
Fawcett Lake Resort Contact Directory- this was not completed from
last year and as such was passed onto the Executive to pick up this task.
Melissa Goulet from Lot 221, and Kathy Martel from 225 have taken on
this task and ask for all to forward their information to them.
*Due to privacy laws, Curtis is obligated by law not to disclose any
information he possesses without the written permission of every
j) A First Aid Kit with a drug overdose kit – This kit has not yet been
researched, there is a budget of $340.00 available to make the purchase
should someone be willing to take on this task. At the present time no one
has come forward to take on this task.
V. New business
Treasury Update:
A total of $3,989.00 is in the account, with $100.00 set aside for the
Emergency Volunteers at Fawcett Lake Resort. This responsibility has
been transferred to the new executive.
The Scavenger Hunt costs are going to be covered 100% as agreed by
A motion to have a new treasurer was voiced, Dawn from lot 74 was
nominated and with the voter support, Dawn was elected as the new
A motion to form a new executive was voiced to which all present, voted a
unanimous yes.
Michele Hauck of lot 211 put her name into the ring, as such she was
elected to be President and take on the task of completing the job of
building the new Executive group. All present agreed that she takes on the
position. Voted a unanimous yes
Fireworks – Adam will continue to oversee the fireworks for Canada Day,
however as he was not at the meeting, anything to do with the fireworks
should be discussed with the new executive. The fireworks budget, and the
specific responsibilities of such can be confirmed via Executive.
Dock and boat launch is another project to which the effort to improve
usability is key. Many campers have boats that are not able to be launched
using the current boat launch and feel that travelling to the far end of the
lake to do so is inconvenient. There is some interest from resort members
as to how to go about making this launch workable for all, Curtis advises he
will pass on what information he has and where it is currently at from the
last time. It is suggested that the Executive to organize a committee to
investigate what needs to be done and if there are any environmental issues
needing to be dealt with.
The issue of the front steps at the store has been brought up, when the steps
get wet, they are slippery and as such are a hazard for all. A suggestion of
putting some type of traction on the steps was readily accepted and Fawcett
Lake Resort is to install some form of traction. Shingle, or equivalent.
Speeding- this mainly seems to happen on the main road coming into the
Resort, and there have been improvements, but the speeding is still an issue.
Dennis and Jason have advised that they are willing to help Fawcett Lake
Resort install speed bumps at later date. Please keep the speed down to the
posted 10 km.
Fundraisers and events-
50/50 – long weekends
Poker Rally – Possibly on September long weekend
Fishing derby – TBD
Arts and Crafts – Ongoing projects
Birdhouse – Canada Day long weekend
Pancake Breakfast – Canada Day long weekend
Please note that all events need to be funneled thru the events coordinator as
each event process is to prevent duplication of events on the same day etc.
Events to be sent via email.
Communication has been an ongoing issue, not everyone has Facebook, nor
email, and there is a need for directory. As mentioned, it’s in the Executive
hands as to gathering the data.
The Fawcett Lake Resort website was mentioned as another means of
receiving communication.
Jason Picard will continue to be the Administrator for the Facebook page.
Curtis has supported the formation of a new executive panel and will
continue to be the owner’s representative on the executive panel.
VI. Adjournment
Dennis McKay concluded the meeting at approximately 2:40 pm
Minutes submitted by: Kathy Martel Lot 225
Minutes approved by: