Spring 2017 Newsletter

 April 4, 2017

The snow is melting, the temperature is warming up and everyone is getting that feeling to go to the lake again. Sure, many people were at the Resort for short stays throughout the winter and it was a busy year for ice fishing, including another Family Day Ice Fishing Derby. Thanks again to Curt (lot 160) and friends for organizing this. However, there is nothing like that first day looking out across the open water. Watch for updates to the Picture of the Week and we will see how long it takes for the ice to melt this year.

Thanks to a few volunteers, 2016 was a lot of fun with several events throughout the season. The events funded themselves which leaves the Fawcett Lake Resort Campers Association (FLRCA) in a good position for this season. In fact, there were also some anonymous donations that are being specifically directed towards purchasing a better first aid kit to keep in the store. This is the second time that medical equipment has been purchased by the FLRCA and it has been suggested that a budget be set up each year to help our Emergency Volunteers keep us well stocked and current. By the way, we are always looking for more people who are willing to help with an emergency at the Resort (such as a lost child). If you spend a lot of time at the lake, then please consider contacting me so I can put you on the list. I expect we will talk about both of these things at the Annual Meeting, as well as other uses for the money.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Brian & Lois (lot 208) who have been the events coordinators for the FLRCA for the past few years. They have done their share and I now welcome Joanna (lot 79) as she takes over helping put people and ideas together, enabling events to run smoothly. If you need to talk with Joanna you can contact her at Events@fawcettlakeresort.com.

Exciting news this year is that Friday is pizza day at the Red Door Restaurant in Smith. If you call and order before heading to the lake for the weekend, you could pick up supper as you pass by, and have more than just a hot dog that first night. I am also happy to say that we can expect longer service hours and more item choices in the Resort Store this season, as it will be operated by Bill & Karen (lot 1). They have experience running an operation like this and I look forward to working with them to make it a successful venture. To contact them, send a message to ResortStore@fawcettlakeresort.com. Be aware that there are numerous business services available in and around the Resort. Please support them so they can remain available to us as we need them. The contact information for all of these “Friends of Fawcett” is available on our website, including the phone number for the restaurant.

I am looking forward to a wide variety of events at the lake this year, especially the afternoon barbeque parties at the new picnic shelter. There has been progress made on setting up a volunteer schedule to mow the lawn in Moose Park, and there is already discussion about having a baseball tournament there this summer. No one has stepped forward to organize a Labor Day Quad Rally yet, but this is one tradition that I would love to see revived. If you are willing to help with any of the events, have an idea but don’t know how to get started, or are just looking for information, then contact the events coordinator.

It is becoming a significant part of my job to help people complete Development Permit applications to build sheds, decks, cabins and other structures on their lots. If you are thinking of a project, remember that anything to be left on a lot for more than 7 days is considered permanent to us, and it will need. approval. Approval is usually easy to get, and so is a permit if it is needed. In fact, I was recently talking with Municipal District staff who commented that our applications are much easier to process in just one meeting (with no need to wait until the next week). Because of all the extra work we go through ahead of time, our permits get approved faster and with fewer headaches.

Remember, if you ever have a question for me or Dale, then contacting us by email or by my phone number is usually the best way to ask it. A note can also be dropped off in the mail box at the front of the Store Community Building that we will look at the next day. On days when I am at the Resort, I can usually be found in that building each morning at 9.00am doing paperwork. Also, Dale drives by the building each day at 4.30pm to see if there is someone there waiting to see him. All of this contact information is available on our website by clicking Contact Us on the top right.

The Annual Meeting is once again scheduled for the Sunday of the May long weekend  (May 21, 2017), at 1.00pm by the Store Community Building. Thanks to Martina (lot 146) for running it again this year. Remember, this is the main meeting of our community and decisions will be made that could affect you. If you have a topic you would like discussed at the meeting, send it to the events coordinator. All are welcome, but don’t forget to bring a lawn chair and dress for the weather because it is held outside.

See you at the Lake